IEP Consultations

RMDSA can connect you with a special education advocate who can explain the IEP process, help you decide what goals
make sense for your child, and even attend the IEP meeting with you to advocate for your child. We also have funding available to help families in need pay for a significant portion of these services. Please click here for a brief scope of services. This
document is an example of what the process might look like and is in no way set-in-stone – services are tailored to the
individual needs of each child.
Where Should I Send My Child to School?
School Review Websites:
IEP Basics & Beyond Education Seminar:
RMDSA SPEAKER SERIES: Featuring Dr. Tracy Gershwin – For Parents and Professionals, on Behavior
Dr. Tracy Gershwin is a professor at the University of Northern Colorado who specializes in behavior. She did a Speaker Series for RMDSA in 2013. Videos of her presentations are available below.Session Videos – Email:
Resources from Presentation:
- AIM – Template
- Behavior Resources
- EfficientFBAFACTS
- Guess_and_Check_V2
- Thoughtful Teaching for Educators Hand-outs
- Intervention by Function of Behavior
- Free Rewards for Positive Behavior
- Free Rewards for Positive Behavior – Young Children
- Free or Inexpensive Rewards for Individual Students – Elementary
- Free or Inexpensive Rewards for Individual Students – Secondary
- Free or Inexpensive Rewards for Parents – Teenagers
- Free or Inexpensive Rewards for Adults in the Building
- Candy Bar Sayings
- Just Some Fun Ideas
- Strategies to Address Behavior in Children with Down syndrome
Cheer Cards:
THE EXPLOSIVE CHILD: A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting Easily Frustrated, Chronically Inflexible Children – Dr. Ross W. Greene