Make A Payment-Virtual HVE
Thank you for submitting your information for Higher Visions for Education.
There are several ways to make your payment for the class:
You can bring a check (made out to Higher Visions) drop it by or send it to our office:
RMDSA: Higher Visions Registration
7200 E. Hampden Ave.
Suite 301
Denver, CO 80224 You can call the RMDSA office at 303.797.1699 to make your payment by phone. You can click the Pay Now button below and make your payment by credit card online.
RMDSA: Higher Visions Registration
7200 E. Hampden Ave.
Suite 301
Denver, CO 80224 You can call the RMDSA office at 303.797.1699 to make your payment by phone. You can click the Pay Now button below and make your payment by credit card online.